مجلس الاعمال العراقي | بوابة المستثمرين والشركات العراقية في الاردن

IBC Deputy Chairman & Secretary-General Participates in the “UN Global Compact Leaders’ Summit” for 2022

At the invitation extended by Mrs. Sanda Ojiambo , the CEO of the UN Global Compact, the largest world community initiative for corporates sustainable development, the Iraqi Business Council Deputy Chairman & Secretary-General, Dr. Saad Naji, and the Council’s CEO participated in the “UN Global Compact Leaders’ Summit” for 2022, which was held on June 1st and 2nd 2022 via video communication technology in New York – United States of America.

This year, over 12,000 business leaders, governments, UN representatives, civil society and corporates executives’ leaders gathered in the UN Global Compact Leaders’ Summit led by the United Nations Secretary-General, Mr. Antonio Guterres, and the UN Secretary-General Assistant and CEO of the Un Global Compact, Mrs. Sanda Ojiambo. The Summit was held under the slogan “The World We Want”.

The event included bilateral meetings in Bangkok – Thailand, in addition to the opening of Stockholm UN Conference 50+ to celebrate the anniversary of the UN Conference in 1972 on the Human Environment, as well as celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Global Environmental Action.

During the Summit, the United Nations Global Agreement was announced on the new strategy to engage small and medium companies to work on achieving sustainable development goals, particularly sustainable growth, employment, small and medium companies, industrialization and sustainable innovation.

The closing session of the Summit witnessed the announcement of 10 Sustainable Development Goals Pioneers of the UN Global Compact, who are business leaders from around the world, who are doing exceptional work to advance the Sustainable Development Goals by implementing the ten principles of the UN Global Compact on Human Rights, Environment, Labor and Anti-Corruption.

It is noteworthy that the Iraqi Business Council in Jordan was one of the first organizations that had joined the UN Global Compact and worked on applying and implementing the ten principles of the Compact in all its procedures and adopting the Sustainable Development and Social Responsibility.