• In the Field of Legislation.
• In the Field of Financial Support.
• In the Field of Free Flow of Information and Abilities Development.
• In the Field of Export Uphold.
• Field Experiment.

The study is attached below


The idea of establishing the Iraqi Business Council is based on the common desire generated by a number of elites. Those who are Iraqi investors and businessmen on the territory of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan unanimous in the importance of creating economic reference for them, as well as for those who wish to join them in order to maximize Iraq’s investment in Jordan, as well as to contribute actively to Iraq’s construction and reconstruction.

The idea of establishing the Iraqi Business Council was well-founded and blessed by the Government of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. Accordingly, the approval of the competent Jordanian authorities was commended for launching the Iraqi Business Council in Jordan.

The one who carried out the mission of founding is an elite of Iraqi businessmen of recognized competence and abilities. and since the Council’s inception in late 2006, members have worked towards efforts to support Iraqi investments in Jordan.

as well as coordination and cooperation with official entities, to find solutions and proposals to overcome obstacles and constraints facing investors s economic, investment and trade cooperation between Jordan and Iraq.

Economic article entitled “Are regional supply chains overtaking global ones?”

Economic article entitled “Are regional supply chains overtaking global ones?”

By: Dr. Saad Mohsen Naji



The idea of establishing the Iraqi Business Council is based on the common desire generated by a number of elites. Those who are Iraqi investors and businessmen on the territory of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan unanimous in the importance of creating economic reference for them, as well as for those who wish to join them in order to maximize Iraq’s investment in Jordan, as well as to contribute actively to Iraq’s construction and reconstruction.

The idea of establishing the Iraqi Business Council was well-founded and blessed by the Government of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. Accordingly, the approval of the competent Jordanian authorities was commended for launching the Iraqi Business Council in Jordan.

The one who carried out the mission of founding is an elite of Iraqi businessmen of recognized competence and abilities. and since the Council’s inception in late 2006, members have worked towards efforts to support Iraqi investments in Jordan. as well as coordination and cooperation with official entities, to find solutions and proposals to overcome obstacles and constraints facing investors s economic, investment and trade cooperation between Jordan and Iraq.

مجلس الاعمال العراقي | مظلة الاستثمار والشركات العراقية في الاردن

Analytical Economic Essay by IBC Deputy Chairman & Secretary General, Dr. Saad Naji

In its issue of December 22nd 2022, Al-Ghad Newspaper published an analytical economic essay by IBC Deputy Chairman & Secretary General, Dr. Saad Naji, entitled “Will Regional Supply Chains Replace Global Supply Chains?”. In this essay, Dr. Saad Naji addressed the possibility of the Regional Supply Chains replacing the Global Supply Chains, and the need to make structural changes to the Supply Chains based on the consumers’ needs, who have become a more influential engine in the Manufacturing Value Chain, and the development of new technologies with the increase of robots to replace the low-cost skilled labor that make the Regional Value Chains more attractive.

Due to the importance of this economic essay, we are enclosing the full article on the link below, for your consideration.


-Analytical Economic Essay.

On the Occasion Christmas & the New Year, Opening of Antiques & Rarities Exhibition

Within the framework of IBC Cultural Program (Ibdaa) activities, a rarities and antiques exhibition was opened on Wednesday September 21st 2022 on the occasion of Christmas and the New Year, as organized by the antiques expert Engineer Muhammad Al-Baghdadi on IBC Hall / 1st floor.  The exhibition included a collection of rare European and oriental silver exquisite pieces, carpets, porcelain, beads, jewelry and accessories, which bear a historic and cultural imprint.


During the ceremony, Engineer Al-Baghdadi presented an overview on the exhibits and their history.  The exhibition also included the works of Engineer Al-Baghdadi about the history of Iraqi silver, its skilled craftsmen and production, the history of the Shisha – Waterpipe (heritage and workmanship).  The event was attended by the Charge d’Affairs of the Iraqi Embassy in Jordan, Mr. Munif Ali Hussein, and the Ambassador of the Republic of Ireland to Jordan, Mrs. Marianne Bolger, and on IBC side, it was attended by IBC’s President, Dr. Majid Saedi, IBC’s Vice President & Secretary-General, Dr. Saad Naji, IBC Board member, Mr. Khalil Al-Bunniya, IBC member, Mr. Aqeel Al-Hadi, in addition to IBC guests including Iraqi and Jordanian academic, artistic, cultural elites, a number of media figures, satellite TV channels, IBC Director General Mrs. Abeer Al-Naib and staff.

وزير الثقافة يبحث مع رئيس مجلس الاعمال العراقي د. مـاجد الساعدي سبل التعاون لإنجاز مشاريع فنية وثقافية مشتركة

وزير الثقافة يبحث مع رئيس مجلس الاعمال العراقي د. مـاجد الساعدي سبل التعاون لإنجاز مشاريع فنية وثقافية مشتركة

يذكر ان فكرة تأسيس مجلس الاعمال العراقي، قد انطلقت بناء على الرغبة المشتركة التي تولدت لدى عدد من النخبة، والذين هم من المستثمرين و رجال الأعمال العراقيين المتواجدين على أرض المملكة الأردنية الهاشمية، حيث اجمعوا على أهمية تكوين مرجعية اقتصادية لهم،  وكذلك لمن يرغب بالانضمام إليهم ، بما يسهم في تضافر جهودهم و توحيدها، وذلك لتعظيم الاستثمار العراقي في الأردن، وكذلك المساهمة الفاعلة في البناء والاعمار في العراق.

وقد وجدت فكرة تأسيس مجلس الأعمال العراقي صدىً طيباً، ومباركة من لدن حكومة المملكة الأردنية الهاشمية، لذلك حصلت موافقة الجهات الأردنية المختصة مشكورة، على أطلاق مجلس الأعمال العراقي في الأردن.

إن الذي نهض بمهمة التأسيس هم نخبة من رجال الأعمال العراقيين المشهود لهم بالكفاءة والاقتدار، كما انه ومنذ انطلاقة المجلس في اواخر عام 2006، عمل الأعضاء على بذل الجهود التي تدعم الاستثمارات العراقية في الأردن، وكذلك التنسيق والتعاون مع الجهات الرسمية، وذلك لإيجاد حلول ومقترحات لتذليل العقبات والمعوقات التي تواجه المستثمرين، اضافة الى إيجاد الوسائل التي تعمل على تعزيز وتطوير التعاون الاقتصادي والاستثماري والتجاري بين الأردن والعراق.